Celebrating Mid-Winter

Each year we warmly welcome our community to participate in this special event, celebrating mid-winter and the inner reflection it brings with quiet reverence.

It is the tradition at MRSS for Class 6 to bring the light to the community with a simple ceremony, performed in the school hall on the evening of the Winter solstice (the longest night).

The Class 6 Students worked very hard with Eurythmy Teacher Jess Moyes in the weeks leading up to mid-winter to learn and perfect this performance, incorporating both singing and eurythmy and they did a fantastic job on the night.

The following morning (the shortest day) Class 6 take the light to each classroom from Kindergarten right through the Secondary School and then on to the neighbouring Anthroposophical medical centre, Steiner teacher training and local shops.

This year’s Class 6 group did a wonderful job and it was a joy to hear their beautiful singing voices drifting throughout the school and surrounding suburbs as they traveled from here to there, rekindling the inner light in each of us during this time of darkness.

We thank Tristram, Jess and Class 6 for holding this responsibility with such reverence, grace and beauty.

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